Moms, have you made your back-to-school resolutions, yet? The realization that 71 days of summer vacation has ended brings a range of emotions in kids from excitement to anxiety. Back-to-school time also leaves moms trying to figure out how to cope with the challenges of getting their kids ready to return to school. I interviewed several Rochester-area moms …
It’s good to be bored
“Mom, I’m bored,” said James, lying on the couch in the family room. I’d like to tell him to get up and go do something, like take the dog for a walk, kick the soccer ball, or call a friend. But I know that giving him a list of suggested activities won’t work. He needs to …
The uncertainty of weather and teenagers
Uncertainty is a fundamental characteristic of weather and teenagers. This morning is sunny, dry, and windless. The clouds are playing hooky from the watery blue sky and the birds are singing. My weather app tells me that it is exactly 63 degrees Fahrenheit. With a touch of the screen I also know: the humidity is low, at …
How to let go of your attachments
Can you let go of your attachments? Can you let go of the emotional dependence you place on your identity, things, or people? It’s not easy. Here’s a little exercise I picked up from Awakened Mind: One-Minute Wake Up Calls to a Bold and Mindful Life hat helps when I find myself too wrapped up in …
World Cup 2014 Frenzy
The frenzy of World Cup soccer was evident yesterday – June 12 – at my house. My twelve-year-old has been gearing up for weeks to get into the spirit of the World Cup, arguably the largest sporting event in the world. He’s been playing FIFA World Cup 2014 on Xbox since May, studying the groups and teams, filling out FIFA World Cup …
Respect starts within
Strengthening the bond between mothers and daughters starts with respect.
I wouldn’t be a mom without my kid
Kids are curious creatures; they have a way of looking at life without a filter.
One more thing
There is always one more thing to do before something else and not enough time to complete the task.