I was recently reminded about a misspelling in one of my recent posts, which made me think of an earlier post I wrote about two things I really hate in the world: grammar nazis and traffic circles.
If you write anything, whether it’s online content or email, and you care about getting the right message across, then you know how time consuming it is to communicate effectively. An occasional misspelling, or dangling modifier, or even a misplaced comma can be forgiven (except by my eagle-eye proofreader). When it happens consistently, however, you risk losing your credibility.
One of my favorite sites published a post on five writing gaffes that make you look dumb. It’s a great little piece that kicks me in the butt and makes me reach for Strunk and White.
What do you think?
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LOL (ow…)! Either Clark is right and there are lots of writers in the world who can’t proofread (unimaginable!) or we are being invaded by high school dropouts that want to take over otherwise reputable writing jobs! By the way, there are a lot of teachers I’ve known that can’t seem to get the hang of there/their its/it’s affect/effect and they are passing their foolishness on to our unsuspecting (and probably uncaring) offspring like a genetic mutation project. Beware! Teach your own children how to write! T.