What the mess in my life taught me.
Challenging notions: what is cruel?
While walking in the park with Beck one morning, I stopped to speak to an elderly lady with two small dogs. “You didn’t crop the ears,” she said, referring to Beck’s floppy ears, and then pausing to lean on her cane. “We chose not to,” I said, over her small barking terrier running circles around …
What happens when you share yourself with the world?
When you open up and share your important work with the world, interesting things can happen.
What happens when you share yourself with the world?Read More
Tomorrow is a better day
“Tomorrow is a better day.” James says from the bubbly tub. I groan and roll my eyes as I try and cajole my (then) 8-year-old, who was busy organizing and dunking his jungle of animals, to wash his hair. “You’re supposed to wash your hair when you bathe,” I say. “It’s part of getting clean.” …
Today marks the sixteenth anniversary of the September 11 attacks. A throng of unsung heroes arose, while the rest of us sought answers to: Why?
Two Things
What does Garth Stein’s “The Art of Racing in the Rain” have in common with Seth Godin’s “Poke the Box?”
The English lad who lived with us
We took a leap of faith in opening our home to a stranger from England, but won a family member for life.
Me write good
I was recently reminded about a misspelling in one of my recent posts, which made me think of an earlier post I wrote about two things I really hate in the world: grammar nazis and traffic circles. If you write anything, whether it’s online content or email, and you care about getting the right message …