The uncomfortable truth about mommy bloggers, branding and kids.
elements of mindfulness
Delivering inspiration and wisdom with stories
Delivering inspiration and wisdom with stories
The uncomfortable truth about mommy bloggers, branding and kids.
Early reader books. When I was a kid, I remember reading a book called A Happy Day. It was part of a series of early, start preschool readers developed by educators in the mid ‘60s to help young children to recognize and read a number of common one or two syllable words. My mom, a …
Happiness is a warm puppy.
Happiness is never again having to wear white, saggy leotards that creep.
Do you know what your kid is doing on the Internet? If it’s ChatRoulette, I’m warning you now: it’s creepy.
What making coffee taught me about life, one day when I wasn’t paying attention. This morning I made a pot of coffee and went to work out while it brewed. When I returned, I poured myself a steaming cup of – hot water! I forgot to put ground coffee in the filter. I looked into …